James Woods posted: If you can fool them once...

James Woods's avatar
James Woods
If you can fool them once... twitter.com/petersweden7/s…
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Kevin Sorbo's avatar
Kevin Sorbo
Only military should be allowed absentee ballots. Go vote in person.
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Lauren Boebert's avatar
Lauren Boebert
Today, we remember the countless sacrifices that so many have made for this country.

Our freedoms would not be possible without those who put their lives on the line defending it.

We honor you every day, but especially today.

Happy Memorial Day and please do not forget the…
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Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene🇺🇸's avatar
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene🇺🇸
Today, we honor those who paid the ultimate price for our liberty.

Their sacrifice is the foundation of our freedom. #MemorialDay
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene🇺🇸's Photo
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Ben & Candy Carson's avatar
Ben & Candy Carson
We must always remember we are the land of the free, BECAUSE we are the home of the brave.

God bless the service members and their families who paid the ultimate sacrifice. twitter.com/aci1776/status…
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Candace Owens's avatar
Candace Owens
Your wife is in fact homemaker, you just don't like the label because you've been brainwashed by radical feminists (like the one your brother is dating) to believe it's a dirty word that implies inequality.

It doesn't.

Men and women are different. Those differences work… twitter.com/jasonkelce/sta…
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